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Below is the evaluation of docking results from ZDOCK against Benchmark 4, corresponding to the predictions distributed in the docking decoy sets. For each prediction, we computed the interface root-mean-square-distance (RMSD) with the bound interface Ca atoms. Spreadsheet with performance summary Success rates (percentage of benchmark cases with a hit in the top N predictions) and hit counts (average number of hits within the top N predictions) are provided below, for ZDOCK versions 3.0.2 and 2.3 using 6 and 15 degree sampling. Additionally we've included results for scoring algorithm IRAD, which is the new version of ZRANK; it was used to re-rank the ZDOCK 3.0.2 6 degree predictions. For ZDOCK 3.0.2F and ZDOCK 3.0, success rates and hit counts are commensurate with ZDOCK 3.0.2. |